Sunday, October 31, 2010


holy smokes:

Monday, November 8th

Brandon Shimoda
& Jennifer Karmin with guest performers
Cara Benson, Claire Donato, Thom Donovan,
Curtis Jensen, Pierre Joris, Michael Leong,
and Ronaldo Wilson

at The Poetry Project
131 E. 10th Street
New York, NY
admission $8
students & seniors $7

BRANDON SHIMODA was born on the west coast of the United States, and has since lived in nine states and five countries. His collaborations, drawings and writings have appeared in print, online, on vinyl and on walls. Recent books include The Alps (Flim Forum Press, 2008), The Inland Sea (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2008), Lake M (Corollary Press, 2010) and The Bowling (Greying Ghost Press, 2010), a collaboration with Sommer Browning. He is currently on the road, and lives nowhere.

JENNIFER KARMIN, in a polyvocal improvisation with seven NYC writers, will perform a selection of cantos from Aaaaaaaaaaalice, published by Flim Forum Press in 2010. Karmin curates the Red Rover Series and is co-founder of the public art group Anti Gravity Surprise. Her multidisciplinary projects have been presented at festivals, artist-run spaces, community centers, and on city streets across the U.S., Japan, and Kenya. A proud member of the Dusie Kollektiv, she is the author of the Dusie chapbook Evacuated: Disembodying Katrina. Walking Poem, a collaborative street project, is featured online at How2. In Chicago, Jennifer teaches creative writing to immigrants at Truman College and works as a Poet-in-Residence for the public schools.

CARA BENSON is author of a book of interconnected pre-elegiac texts for plants animals humans and earth called (made). She teaches in a NY State prison.

CLAIRE DONATO lives in Brooklyn, NY and received her MFA in Literary Arts from Brown University. Recent poems have appeared in Denver Quarterly, Octopus and Action Yes.

THOM DONOVAN edits Wild Horses Of Fire weblog, now in its 6th year!, and coedits ON Contemporary Practice. He is an ongoing participant in the Nonsite Collective and the Project on the Commons.

CURTIS JENSEN's work has appeared in Try!, the Sugar House Review, Precipitate and The Equalizer. Previous to Brooklyn, he has lived and worked in Utah, Wyoming, and Ukraine. He maintains a blog at

PIERRE JORIS is a poet, translator, essayist & anthologist. He has published over forty books, most recently Aljibar II (poems) and Justifying the Margins (essays). With Jerome Rothenberg he edited the award-winning anthologies Poems for the Millennium.

"MICHAEL LEONG" is an anagram of "helical gnome"; he is the author of several books and chapbooks of poetry including e.s.p. (Silenced Press, 2009), Midnight's Marsupium (The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2010), and Cutting Time with a Knife (Black Square Editions/The Brooklyn Rail, forthcoming).

RONALDO V WILSON's Narrative of the Life of the Brown Boy and the White Man, won the 2007 Cave Canem Prize, and Poems of the Black Object, the 2010 Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry.

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